



Short videos answering your questions and showing great opportunities for you.

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logo of company The Debate Academy


Always get what you want: Tools and tactics to master your negotiation skills.

Negotiating is hard, intimidating, tedious. But if you donโ€™t stand up for yourself, who will? Most people want things their way, and presenting an ultimatum often leads to conflict. Join this live stream to gain valuable insights on effective negotiation strategies. We'll be drawing from the expertise of Harvard Law School, Chris Vossโ€”a former FBI negotiatorโ€”and other internationally bestselling authors. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal or professional negotiation skills, this session will provide you with the tools and knowledge to navigate complex discussions and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

logo of company World Bank Group


Junior Professional Associates Program (JPA) Webinar

Please join us for our Junior Professional Associates Program (JPA) Webinar. We will discuss World Bank career opportunities available through the program, qualifications and attributes we seek in potential candidates, and how to excel in the application process. Additionally, there will be a dedicated segment to address questions from the audience.

logo of company Lombard Odier


What does an internship in Tech at Lombard Odier look like?

Meet Adam, Software Engineering Intern in our Development team and discover his daily job/life at LO. Interested in starting an internship with us? Join us to find out our future Tech internship opportunities!


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logo of company Forvis Mazars


Woran die Big Player wirklich knabbern. Das scharfe Schwert des Transfer Pricings

Gehen verbundene Gruppenunternehmen untereinander Geschรคftsbeziehungen ein und vereinbaren hierfรผr Preise, spricht man von sogenannten Verrechnungspreisen. Diese Geschรคfte kรถnnen vielfรคltig sein, darunter die Lieferung von Waren, die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen, die Gewรคhrung von Darlehen, die Lizenzvergabe, die Entsendung von Mitarbeitern oder die Restrukturierung von Unternehmen. Das Thema Transfer Pricing ist komplex und bietet spannende Einblicke in unterschiedliche Projekte, die oft kreative Lรถsungsansรคtze erfordern. Wir zeigen dir wie die Big Player heute noch, durch Transfer Pricing glรคnzen und geben dir erste Einblicke im Kontext der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Trends: o Google, Amazon und Co: die โ€žkreativenโ€œ Verrechnungspreisstrukturen der Big Player haben weltweit fรผr Aufsehen gesorgt o Eine weltweite GroรŸ-Initiative wurde ins Leben gerufen, um Gestaltungspraktiken zur Gewinnverschiebung zu unterbinden o Welche Dokumentationshรผrden machen es den GroรŸkonzernen nun so richtig schwer? Forvis Mazars ist als internationales Prรผfungs- und Beratungsunternehmen in รผber 100 Lรคndern aktiv und in Deutschland an 12 Standorten vertreten. Mehr als 35.000 Expert*innen betreuen weltweit dabei Mandant*innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und Branchen. Unsere Story zeigt, was echtes Miteinander bewirkt โ€“ denn Wachstum ist unser fester Kurs. Genauso geben wir jeden Tag unser Bestes fรผr dich. Wir konnten dich fรผr das Thema begeistern und du mรถchtest ein Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte sein? Dann bewirb dich einfach bei uns.

Business development
Past live streams

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logo of company World Bank Group


60 min

Junior Professional Associates Program (JPA) Webinar

Please join us for our Junior Professional Associates Program (JPA) Webinar. We will discuss World Bank career opportunities available through the program, qualifications and attributes we seek in potential candidates, and how to excel in the application process. Additionally, there will be a dedicated segment to address questions from the audience.


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logo of company MediaMarktSaturn


60 min

Q&A Session with MediamarktSaturn HR Recruiting

Are you looking to enhance your job search skills and improve your application strategy? In this live stream, MediaMarktSaturn will provide expert advice on how to craft a compelling application and negotiate. Furthermore, you will get the opportunity to learn more about entry-level job opportunities and growth opportunities at MediaMarktSaturn and ask all your burning questions. With these insider tips you can take the first steps towards a successful career with MediaMarktSaturn. Why Attend: ๐Ÿง  Get Insider Tips: Learn what MediamarktSaturn looks for in candidates. โ“ Ask Your Questions: Directly interact with our HR recruiters. ๐Ÿš€ Boost Your Career: Gain valuable job search and application strategies. Register now to secure your spot!

Business development
logo of company World Bank Group


60 min

Latin America and Caribbean Region Inclusive Internship Program Webinar

Join us for the Latin America and Caribbean Region Inclusive Internship Program Webinar. Our esteemed speakers will engage in a comprehensive discussion about the multifaceted aspects of employment at the World Bank Group. The discussion will cover an overview of the internship opportunities available, current internship openings specific to the Latin America and Caribbean Region, the qualifications and attributes we seek in potential candidates, and provide strategic advice on how to excel in the application process. Additionally, there will be a dedicated segment for addressing queries from the audience. We are eager to connect with you and share valuable insights that could guide your career trajectory with the World Bank Group.


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logo of company Schwartauer Werke


60 min

Schwartauer Werke - Einblick in unseren Bereich Produktentwicklung

Unsere Schwartau-Konfitรผre kennt fast jedes Kind vom heimischen Frรผhstรผckstisch. Doch hinter den Tรผren der Schwartauer Werke erwartet euch mehr als nur unsere bekannte Konfitรผre. An unserem Standort in Bad Schwartau produzieren wir bereits seit รผber 100 Jahren eine groรŸe Vielfalt an sรผรŸen und herzhaften Brotaufstrichen, Mรผsliriegeln, Sirupen und Dessert-Saucen. In diesem Livestream erhรคltst du einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Schwartauer Werke. AuรŸerdem werden dir unsere Praktikant*innen aus dem Bereich Produktentwicklung einen Einblick in ihren Arbeitsalltag geben. Die letzte halbe Stunde des Livestreams werden wir uns dann euren Fragen widmen!

Research & development
+ 2
logo of company Procter & Gamble


60 min

Reduce & Reuse - how P&G tackles the challenge of Packaging

At P&G, environmental sustainability is embedded in how we do business. We have a responsibility to make the world better. P&G is committed to positively impacting our homes, our communities, and our planet โ€” especially in the areas of Climate, Forestry, Water and Packaging. As part of our commitment to offer all reusable or recyclable packaging by 2030, our brands are reimagining the way they deliver the products people love in packaging that has been reduced, reused again or recycled - not an easy task, but one we are committed to. Who are P&G? We are the company behind leading household brands such as Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Always and Ariel. As one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, we are continuously on the lookout for passionate, inspired, motivated people who believe in going the extra mile, every day. Join us to learn more about how you can kickstart a packaging technology career with us!

Business development

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logo of company Wรผest Partner


60 min

Real Estate - Sustainability, Data and Analytics. Karriere und Projekte bei Wรผest Partner

Wรผest Partner โ€“ schon von uns gehรถrt, aber noch eine vage Vorstellung von dem was wir machen? Dann รคndern wir das jetzt. Im Livestream tauchen wir zusammen ab in die Welt der Daten und Nachhaltigkeit. Wir zeigen euch, wie wir bei Wรผest Partner mittels Kombination von Expertise, Daten und digitalen Lรถsungen fundierte Entscheidungsgrundlagen fรผr unsere Kunden schaffen. Dabei lernst du die tรคglichen Challenges sowie den nachhaltigen Impact eines Sustainability Consultants oder Data Scientists kennen. Du hast die Mรถglichkeit Linus (PhD; MSc in Energy Science and Technology) & Aike (PhD in Data Science; MSc in Civil Engineering) zu treffen und uns danach mit deinen Fragen zu interviewen! Und wie deine Karriere bei Wรผest Partner aussehen kรถnnte, werden wir natรผrlich auch nicht auslassen. Wir freuen uns!

Research & development