



Short videos answering your questions and showing great opportunities for you.

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logo of company Vaudoise Assurances


Comment démarrer sa carrière à la Vaudoise : témoignages de quatre anciens stagiaires

Échangez avec 4 anciennes et anciens stagiaires devenu.e.s employé.e.s, dans des domaines tels que la data, le sponsoring, la gestion de projet ou encore le marketing. Profitez de leur expérience et leurs tips pour lancer sa carrière professionnelle.

Data & analytics
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logo of company World Bank Group


World Bank Recruitment Drive for Africa 2024

The Western and Central Africa Region of the World Bank is looking for dedicated professionals with a passion for international development to join our innovative and diverse staff. A career with the World Bank Group offers a unique opportunity to contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. We are opening 20 new positions in our country offices in the Western and Central Africa Region.

Research & development
logo of company World Bank Group


Join the Mission: Resume and Interview Strategies for World Bank Careers

This webinar will provide important tips and strategies for creating effective resumes and excelling in interviews. We’ll help you understand what the World Bank looks for in potential candidates, offer insights into the recruitment process, and give practical advice to enhance your application. We’ll also discuss how to highlight your skills and experiences so they well align with the World Bank's mission and values to ensure you submit a strong application.

Research & development

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logo of company Lombard Odier


A.I. Internship in a bank!

Do you want learn more about Github A.I. projects, test your skills in a paid internship and start a save and exciting career in the finance sector? Then Lombard Odier might be the right place for you! Join our live stream to meet Sebastien Pennec, Product Manager in the Development team at Lombard Odier, and get a behind-the-scenes look at his work and daily life. This is your chance to ask all your burning questions and gain exclusive insights into what it’s like to work at Lombard Odier. Our internships are based in the Technology and Operations Unit in Geneva and offer exciting opportunities to work on cutting-edge development projects. If you're interested in kickstarting your career with us, don’t miss this chance to explore our Tech internship opportunities!

Business development
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logo of company VZ VermögensZentrum


Starte deine Reise als VZ-Consultant!

Einsteigen, lernen, weiterkommen! Steige beim führenden Finanzdienstleister mit Schweizer Wurzeln ein! Das VZ ist die erste Adresse, wenn es um unabhängige Vermögensberatung geht. Da wir kräftig wachsen, suchen wir Verstärkung im Financial Consulting überall in Deutschland (Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Nürnberg und Lörrach). Bei uns kannst du die gesamte Vermögenssituation unserer Kunden optimieren. Du bist vom ersten Tag an bei Beratungsgesprächen dabei und übernimmst immer mehr den Lead. Wir suchen ambitionierte Teamkollegen, welche sich stetig weiterentwickeln möchten – werde jetzt ein Teil vom VZ!

logo of company Glencore


Glencore Female Talents Event

Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies and a major producer and marketer of more than 60 commodities that advance everyday life. Through a network of assets, customers and suppliers that spans the globe, we produce, process, recycle, source, market and distribute the commodities that support decarbonisation while meeting the energy needs of today. With over 150,000 employees and contractors and a strong footprint in over 35 countries in both established and emerging regions for natural resources, our marketing and industrial activities are supported by a global network of more than 50 offices. Agenda: HR introduction Speech Andrea Bonafe, Global Head of Group Internal Audit and Assurance Speech Sophie Kellermann, ZincCopper Sustainability Manager

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Perspektiven nach dem Bachelor – Master oder Berufseinstieg?

Wie geht’s weiter nach dem Bachelor? Damit beschäftigt sich der Livestream mit dem Thema „Perspektiven nach dem Bachelor – Master oder Berufseinstieg?“. Du erhältst einen Überblick über verschiedene Optionen und Karrierewege nach dem Bachelor-Studium und Hilfestellungen, wie du die richtige Entscheidung triffst. Thomas Graf beantwortet auch Fragen zu deiner persönlichen Karriereplanung. e-fellows .net ist ein Karrierenetzwerk für motivierte Studierende und junge Berufstätige. Außerdem: e-fellows Stipendium - Bis zu 50 geldwerte Leistungen warten auf Stipendiat:innen. Kostenlose Abos (kostenlos renommierte Zeitungen und Zeitschriften wie DIE ZEIT, das Handelsblatt oder den Tagesspiegel lesen), Karriereratgeber, Datenbanken (von beck-online bis Spektrum als Quellen für Referate, Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten), E-Learning-Angebote und mehr: e‑fellows .net zu nutzen zahlt sich aus! Gehörst du zu den besten 10 Prozent, belaufen sich deine Vorteile auf bis zu 1.000 Euro.

Research & development
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logo of company Beiersdorf


Discover the R&D Track of the Beyond Borders Trainee Program @ Beiersdorf

At Beiersdorf, we want to help people feel good about their skin – and our commitment goes far beyond caring for skin. For 140 years, we have developed innovative skin and body care products for well-known brands such as NIVEA, Eucerin, La Prairie, Hansaplast, and Labello. We act according to our purpose, WE CARE BEYOND SKIN, and take responsibility for our consumers, our employees, the environment and society. Behind every brand, every product and every accomplishment are our more than 20,000 employees. It is for them that we live a culture of inclusion, respect and trust that is strongly aligned with our values CARE, COURAGE, SIMPLICITY and TRUST. We embrace diversity by valuing the uniqueness of each individual and being committed to equal opportunities for all. In this session, you will meet Kira and Lilli from the HR Talent Acquisition Team, who will share what it is like to work at Beiersdorf and explain the structure of the BEYOND BORDERS program, as well as the recruiting process for becoming a trainee. Additionally, we will introduce our new Trainee Track in Research & Development. You will also hear from our trainee Carlo, who will share insights from his trainee journey at Beiersdorf. We look forward to meeting you in the session, which includes a 30-minute presentation and a 30-minute Q&A.

Research & development
logo of company Bundesverwaltung


EDA - am Puls des Weltgeschehens

Das Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) wahrt die aussenpolitischen Interessen der Schweiz. Es pflegt Beziehungen zu anderen Staaten und zu internationalen Organisationen wie der EU oder der UNO. Es bietet Dienstleistungen für Schweizerinnen und Schweizer im Ausland an. Auch die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und die humanitäre Hilfe gehören zu seinen Aufgaben. Mit ihren rund 170 Vertretungen ist die Schweiz rund um den Globus präsent. Jedes Jahr sucht das EDA sehr unterschiedliche Profile für seine Praktika und sogenannten versetzbaren Karrieren. In dieser Präsentation erfahren Sie mehr über das spannende Leben und Arbeiten eines Mitarbeiters oder einer Mitarbeiterin einer versetzbaren Karriere. Stellen Sie den HR-Spezialisten/innen des EDA alle Ihre Fragen.


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logo of company Ernst & Young


Female Career Talk @ EY - Frauen im Fokus: Karriere gestalten und durchstarten!

Es gibt unzählige Gründe, warum Frauen in der Assurance durchstarten sollten – und leider auch jede Menge Klischees, die dagegen sprechen. Höchste Zeit, mit diesen Mythen aufzuräumen! Neugierig geworden? Dann melde dich jetzt zu unserem virtuellen Female Career Talk an. #WomenInAssurance #FemaleEmpowerment Unter dem Motto „Frauen im Fokus: Karriere gestalten und durchstarten“ nehmen dich unsere EY-Kolleginnen Jacqueline, Director im Bereich Climate Change and Sustainability Services, und Lynn, Assistant im Bereich Financial Accounting Advisory Services, mit hinter die Kulissen ihres Arbeitsalltags. Lasse dich inspirieren von ihren einzigartigen Karrierewegen. Unsere Recruiterin Sarah beantwortet all deine Fragen zum Einstieg in die Assurance bei EY. Sei dabei und melde dich jetzt an!

Business development
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logo of company Axpo


From theory to practice: My path from student to engineer

Join me as I share the journey of turning theory into practice, navigating the challenges, successes and surprises of stepping into the industry. From MINT student to Energy Science Trainee, and ultimately building code as a quantitative analyst in the battery team at Axpo Group, I'll reveal how each step shaped my career path.

Data & analytics
logo of company Roche


My Journey through the Graduate Program in Strategy and Portfolio SPOCK at Roche pRED

Join me in this discussion where I will share my journey through the Graduate Program in Strategy and Portfolio (SPOCK) at Roche pRED, which I joined as an ETH alumni. This session is tailored specifically for Life Science ETH Zurich students and will provide invaluable insights into Roche's dynamic work environment.

Research & development
logo of company Tiefbauamt der Stadt Zürich


Trainee-Programm des Tiefbauamts der Stadt Zürich

Du schliesst gerade dein Studium ab? Bei uns hast du als Absolvent*in (Bachelor oder Master) der Studienrichtungen Bauingenieur-, Verkehrsingenieur-, Umweltingenieurwissenschaften oder Infrastruktursysteme die Möglichkeit, eine der weltweit attraktivsten Städte mitzugestalten. Gleichzeitig bieten wir dir einen einmaligen Einstieg in die Praxis und einen attraktiven Start deiner beruflichen Karriere. Während 20 Monaten lernst du im Rahmen einer verantwortungsvollen und vielseitigen Tätigkeit die verschiedenen Aufgabengebiete des Tiefbauamts kennen. Von Anfang an übernimmst du herausfordernde Aufgaben und bist aktiv an anspruchsvollen Projekten in unterschiedlichen Geschäftsbereichen beteiligt. Du wirst in die Leitung von Strassenbau- und Werkleitungsprojekten eingeführt, leitest diese und arbeitest eng mit interdisziplinären Projektteams zusammen. In unserem praxisorientierten Trainee-Programm wirst du zur*m Projektleiter*in ausgebildet und erwirbst fundierte Kenntnisse im Projektmanagement, wie auch wichtige Fach-, Selbst- und Auftrittskompetenzen. Erfahrene Mentor*innen stehen dir dabei zur Seite und unterstützen dich auf deinem Weg zum erfolgreichen Abschluss des Programms. Schaue in unserem live stream vorbei und erfahre mehr über das Trainee-Programm des Tiefbauamts der Stadt Zürich!

logo of company Amministrazione federale


DFAE - Al centro degli eventi mondiali

Il Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE) tutela gli interessi di politica estera della Svizzera. Presente in tutto il mondo con circa 170 rappresentanze, mantiene relazioni con altri Stati e organizzazioni internazionali, come l’UE e l’ONU, e offre servizi agli Svizzeri all’estero. I suoi compiti comprendono anche la cooperazione allo sviluppo e l’aiuto umanitario. Ogni anno il DFAE cerca una grande varietà di profili per i suoi tirocini accademici e le cosiddette carriere trasferibili. In questa presentazione, scoprite l'entusiasmante vita e il lavoro di un membro di una carriera trasferibile e ponete tutte le vostre domande agli specialisti delle risorse umane del DFAE.

logo of company Swissgrid


Berufseinstieg als System Operator bei Swissgrid

Energiekrise, Strommangellage, Energiewende? Sind das Begriffe die dich interessieren? Dann starte deine Karriere in der Leitstelle von Swissgrid (Aarau) und erfahre bei deiner täglichen Arbeit was diese Begriffe bedeuten und welchen Einfluss sie auf das Stromsystem haben. An keinem anderen Ort bis du näher am Puls der Energieversorgung als bei uns. Wirf bei unserem Livestream einen direkten Blick in die Leitstelle und erfahre was es heisst, das System unter Kontrolle zu halten.

logo of company PostFinance


Einstiegsprogramme @PostFinance

Bist du mitten im Studium und möchtest wertvolle berufliche Erfahrungen sammeln? Oder hast du dein Studium bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen und bist nun bereit, deine berufliche Laufbahn zu beginnen? Dann tauche ein in die Welt von PostFinance und entdecke deine Karrieremöglichkeiten! 🚀 Begleite uns in unserem bevorstehenden Livestream und stelle alle deine Fragen direkt an unsere inspirierenden Talente. Sie stehen bereit, um dir wertvolle Einblicke in ihrer aufregenden Reise bei PostFinance zu geben. Wir freuen uns auf dich! 💛

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logo of company SIG


Les défis de la Smart City : repenser l'aménagement du sous-sol

Pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques, les nouveaux quartiers doivent limiter leur consommation énergétique et leur impact environnemental tout en assurant le confort des En effet, pour SIG, confort et durabilité ne sont pas incompatibles. Concevoir un quartier Intelligent implique une nouvelle manière de penser et de gérer les projets d’ingénierie et d’aménagement du territoire. Un vrai défi lorsqu'il s'agit de travailler sur des projets réseaux !

logo of company Bain & Company


Inside Bain & Company: Navigating Your Consulting Journey

Are you looking for a job with excellent career opportunities, room for personal growth, and lots of fun? Then you've come to the right place! Learn more about Bain as a leading international management consulting firm, our culture, and how you, too, can become part of our team. Join us!

logo of company Novartis


Learn about the Technical Research & Development – Biologics function at Novartis and our postgraduate opportunities

Are you curious about working in a pharmaceutical company and about the world of drug development? In this live stream, we will share insights into the fascinating function of Technical Research and Development (TRD) – Biologics at Novartis in Basel which includes Drug Product Development, Drug Substance Development, Global Device and Packaging Development and Analytical Development. We will share information on our Postgraduate Program in Biologics and of course, we are happy to answer your questions.

Research & development

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logo of company Sensirion


Internship at Sensirion: More than just a job

Responsibility from day one. As an intern at Sensirion, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience in a dynamic environment. Together, we drive new developments and ensure sustainable change. Write your own chapter of the Sensirion success story. Join the live stream and gain insight into the different internships we offer and use the opportunity to ask our interns about the experience they've made.

Research & development
Past live streams

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logo of company FrieslandCampina


60 min

Corporate Traineeship at FrieslandCampina

🧀 Discover the Corporate Traineeship of FrieslandCampina. FrieslandCampina is a unique FMCG and B2B multinational. We are unique because our suppliers, our member dairy farmers, are also our owners. At FrieslandCampina, our passion to get more out of milk and help consumers grow and develop. Every day we reach millions of people in over a hundred countries worldwide with more than 30 iconic brands. 💻This is an online Webinar for our fast track development program. Are you an ambitious master student with less then two years of working experience? And are you looking to grow and unlock your potential in a fast track? Join our Corporate Traineeship webinar to hear more about the program and ask all your questions! 📆 Agenda 🌎 A presentation about FrieslandCampina and how we serve our consumers every day and how we strive for better nutrition for everyone. 👩‍🌾 Explanation of the Traineeship program and the selection procedure. Find out how our Traineeship works and what opportunities we offer! 🤷‍♀️ A Q&A with current trainees. Hear all about their experience as a Trainee at FrieslandCampina and this is your chance to ask any burning questions you might have. 🐄 The Corporate Traineeship at FrieslandCampina in short: As a trainee you are ambitious, think and act beyond boundaries and strive to develop yourself within your discipline or even broader. With two challenging assignments, both one year, you can make a difference in your job and really contribute to the company and a better world. Our ‘fast track’ program for future leaders stimulates personal and professional development with lots of potential to grow in short time, for example with our training & development program and personal training budget. You’re in charge of your future career, we facilitate where we can. 🏭We have a trainee program for the following disciplines: • Finance • Commercial • Supply Chain & Operations • Technology

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logo of company Glencore


60 min

Glencore Corporate Graduate Programme

Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies and a major producer and marketer of more than 60 commodities that advance everyday life. Through a network of assets, customers and suppliers that spans the globe, we produce, process, recycle, source, market and distribute the commodities that support decarbonisation while meeting the energy needs of today. The Graduate Programme at our global headquarters aims at developing the next generation of Glencore professionals. The programme offers successful graduates the opportunity to understand different functions of the business through internal rotations and to advance their careers in a performance-driven culture. Our graduates work directly with industry experts, are given real responsibility and as a result gain a variety of skills. Additionally – graduates receive training on topics like trading, traffic, finance, business analytics, networking and public speaking through best-in-class training partners. All graduates are assigned a mentor to guide them through their development at Glencore. Our mentoring programme supports new joiners in understanding company culture and building their network across the organisation. Agenda: HR introduction Speech Michelle Francis, CRO Metals and Coal Speech Joanne El-Kadi, HSEC and Human Rights Graduate Trainee

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logo of company Administration fédérale


45 min

DFAE - au coeur des événements mondiaux

Le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) sauvegarde les intérêts de la Suisse en matière de politique extérieure. Il entretient des relations avec d’autres États et des organisations internationales telles que l’UE et l’ONU. Il propose des prestations consulaires aux citoyens suisses à l’étranger. La coopération au développement et l’aide humanitaire entrent également dans son champ d’activités. La présence suisse est assurée à travers le monde grâce à environ 170 représentations. Chaque année, le DFAE recherche des profils très variés pour ses stages académiques et ses carrières dites transférables. Dans cette présentation, découvrez la vie et le travail passionnants d’un/e membre d’une carrière transférable et posez toutes vos questions aux spécialistes RH du DFAE.


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logo of company Hubert Burda Media


60 min

Influencer-Marketing@Burda: So funktioniert der Influencer-Hub

Tauche ein in die Welt des Influencer-Marketings und erhalte einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von brands you love, dem hauseigenen Influencer-Marketing-Network von Hubert Burda Media. Erfahre alles über den Influencer-Hub und wie brands you love mit seiner Community aus Unpaid-, Nano-, Micro- und Paid-Influencern erfolgreiche Kampagnen umsetzt – oft auch in Zusammenarbeit mit den starken Medienmarken wie InStyle, Elle, Freundin oder Fit for Fun. Der Influencer-Hub ist einzigartig auf dem deutschen Markt und seine Bausteine lassen sich in Print, digital und auf Social-Media umsetzen. Du lernst, wie das Management der Influencer-Relations funktioniert und wie vor allem die Marke InStyle mit einem eigenen Influencer-Award, exklusiven Events oder der InStyle Social Star Issue eine enge Verbindung zwischen Marke und Influencern schafft.

logo of company Glencore


60 min

Glencore Commercial Graduate Programme

Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies and a major producer and marketer of more than 60 commodities that advance everyday life. Through a network of assets, customers and suppliers that spans the globe, we produce, process, recycle, source, market and distribute the commodities that support decarbonisation while meeting the energy needs of today. Based within our dynamic trading environment, our graduate programmes are structured to bring out the very best in you and give you the opportunity to excel in a commercial role, working alongside the very best people in the business. Whether your ambitions are to become a Commodities Trader or to build a career developing your data analysis skills within a trading environment, you will have direct exposure to the commercial teams and will be trusted with individual responsibility from day one. The commercial programme is designed to prove your commercial aptitude and test your resilience as the front-line support to traders and operators primarily within Traffic, Risk, middle office, LME Desk Support, Business Development, with opportunities to rotate between. Exploring other commercial areas of the business can include Operations, who are responsible for the logistical and financial execution of each trade. Entrepreneurial abilities, accuracy, and strong communication skills are the key ingredients for a successful career trading at Glencore. Agenda: HR introduction Speech Jason Kluk, Head of Ferro Alloys Nickel Marketing Speech Sibel Cupii, Trader Copper Concentrates

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logo of company BMW Group


60 min

Discover the BMW Group Trainee Programme AcceleratiON

Our AcceleratiON Programme is the place to be for dynamic recent graduates from all disciplines – from IT and engineering all the way to production. If you are aiming high and striving for a key position at the BMW Group, you are in good company. So, if you share our passion for future mobility solutions and would welcome the opportunity to take on new responsibilities, AcceleratiON will open doors for you. All you have to do is walk through them. In this live stream event, one of our trainees will give you insights into the programme. You will receive tips for your application and learn about experiences as a trainee. Soon we will share more details about the livestream. You'd like to inform yourself about the programme in advance? Go check out our website:

Information technology
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